Clean Boats Clean Water

Clean Boats Clean Water

  Clean boats Clean Waters (CBCW) is a Wisconsin DNR program introduced in 2004 to help reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS), such as Zebra Muscles, in Wisconsin lakes. Anglers and boaters may unknowingly introduce AIS into new waters.

  One of the main deterrent strategies is inspecting boats and trailers to clean off all aquatic plants and animals, draining boats and live wells, as well as spraying boat hulls and trailers with a bleach and water solution.


  The main steps are:

  1. inspect boats, trailers, and equipment
  2. remove all attached aquatic plants and animals
  3. drain all water from boats, vehicles, and equipment
  4.  never move plants or live fish away from a waterbody;
  5. Spray boat hulls and trailers with a bleach and water solution.

  The Long Lake Property Owners Association has been conducting a CBCW program at the public landing for several years. The program includes signage at the landing explaining the CBCW steps mentioned above, spray bottles of cleaning solution and brushes, motion-activated cameras at the landing, volunteer and paid inspectors at the landing on the weekends during the boating season, reporting non-compliance violations to the county, as well as educating association members about the CBCW program.

  The association has applied for and received a CBCW grant from the Wisconsin DNR for the past three years. The grant is used to help pay for paid inspectors, management hours to enter the inspection data into the DNR SWIMS database, and tee-shirts for inspectors. 

CBCW Volunteers

  • Who can volunteer? Des Moines Lake residents are encouraged to serve as volunteer CBCW inspectors (must be age 14 or older).
  • What do volunteers do? Volunteers help perform boat & trailer checks. They pass out informational brochures & educate boaters about how to prevent the spread of invasive species.
  • When do volunteers work? Volunteers usually work in pairs, Friday PM, and/or Saturday & Sunday, during a 2 hour AM or PM time slot within the months of May to October – whichever dates you are available and willing to serve!

How do I get involved?

The CBCW coordinator for Long Lake is Mark Michel, Vice president of the Long Lake Association. He can be reached directly at 715-281-8953. Call to learn more about volunteering opportunities at our boat launch.